Gone, Daddy, Gone!
Even if my arse is physically not on the plane yet, my mind has definitely gone. I have had loads of things to tell you but in the white heat of the panic.... all. gone.
Thank you for all your great advice on the flying thing. I have every herbal remedy known to woman in my trusty leather rucksack so we will see. Actually Mr P is a great calming potion in himself. He can usually talk me down from the luggage bin. Love that man. He should be available in a bottle.
I have been hair cut and coloured, waxed and pedicured to the nth degree so I am ready for Cape Town. Is it ready for me though???
Due to the fact that I will make Mr P carry everything on the return leg, we will be laptop-less on this trip. However it is the 21st century and there are internet cafes on every corner, everywhere so there will be updates. Small but current, nevertheless.
I am trying not to worry about the big things so I am focussing on what to wear on the plane, in true Trinny and Susannah stylee. But I tell you, those fetching flight socks match nothing.
Does that Airborne stuff mix well with vodka???? Or is it more of a gin mixer? Thank you, Amy, for hooking me up with that.
I leave you with a photo of my arse, from earlier in the summer. You can use it to visualise me bobbling about in Cape Town. Don't worry, the nightmares will not plague you for long hahaha. And yes, that is a Scottish summer photo. Note the blue feet and the jacket required.