
PCOS - check. Infertility - check. IVF - check. 43 years young - check. Sick of babydust - fricking double check. Join a Scottish infertile as she slowly swirls down the plughole. Now with added donor egg flava.

Monday, June 19, 2006

If I Wear Sunglasses, I Can Pass For Normal

Thank Hank that big, black sunglasses a la Jackie O are back in fashion again. Just the thing to cover up the tell-tale signs of non-stop weeping, black shadows and red veins.

Another week, another beta. Finally heading southwards.

6/6 482

8/6 616

14/6 903

19/6 618

Such puny numbers for all this angst and distress.

The clinic seemed happy enough with that drop. More bloodletting and collapsed veins next week to look forward to. I am not in any pain or having any bleeding at all. The pain I alluded to in my previous post was emotional.

Mr P has gone back to work today so I have got some friends round to play. Well, they are 2 fun-loving cowboys but needs must, eh?


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting results. I can't stop thinking of you, and the emotional pain you're going through. Enjoy the movie...

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Country Chick said...

I've not seen the movie, but isn't it a bit of a weepie? Hope it takes your mind off all this pain. Have been thinking about you such a lot. I am sure you will scoff, but you are so brave, (and that sounds really corny but I do mean it).

At 3:55 PM, Blogger avonlea said...

Oh but Jake is just so damn pretty, and so politically correct, who cares what he does in a movie? The most important thing to remember is that in real life he's straight and ohh soo yummy.

I think movies and bad TV are great for healing. I also found that getting away and walking until my body gave out was good - maybe give that a try when you are able? Recovery from this much pain and disappointment is not easy but you are a strong woman with a lot of friends and we'll see you through it.

Sending you much love sweetie.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger DD said...

...if there's ANYthing I can do...

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Amyesq said...

About time the numbers are heading in the right direction. Well, the wrong direction, really, but the right direction to not kill you and all. Ugh, this whole thing just really sucks. I am so sorry.

Hey, I got my plane tickets so we must talk about when I can come see you. When you are up for it.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Mellie said...

And like Jackie O, you are amazingly strong and will perservere. I so wish you didn't have to though.

Do indulge in whatever movies and alcohol and chocolate concocotions you can. If only there was something to ease the pain. I'm so sorry, Pamplemousse.

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pamplemousse, I'll come watch with you. And make you a nice pot of tea.


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction as for the beta numbers. Movies sound like a great way to get through. Personally, I love the Harry Potter movies because they are so fantasy-filled, that it totally takes you away from real life! Take care and sending you a big hug!

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Lut C. said...

This must be such a traumatic experience, physical pain or no.

The cowboys are tasty to look at, that's true. Good story too, rather sad though.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Just thinking about you and wishing there was something I could do to makes things just the tiniest bit better for you.

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been sitting here with my fingers on the keyboard just willing some words to come.
But no words can soothe your pain, or heal your heart, but you have friends that are here for you and thinking of you.... x

At 2:43 AM, Blogger Sparkle said...

Glad the numbers are heading in the right direction.

Enjoy the cowboys, I haven't seen this movie yet.

At 3:47 AM, Blogger moo said...

I liked the cowboys ...I cried but I am always good for that.

I'm glad the numbers are moving in the direction needed, I'm just sorry that it is good to be going down not up.

You are strong, you are awseomely strong with a big back-up band out here.

Thinking of you.


At 3:48 AM, Blogger moo said...

as usual, I submitted without spellchecking. oh hell you know I meant AWESOME and I can spell, I just can't fng type.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I am so very sorry for your loss. Hugs.

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Kris said...

Yes, I love my big glasses, too. And I also think the Oscar winners have nothing on us- we who act like we are whole when we are not, with no directors or airbrushing or anything.

I've thought of you often. This all just sucks.

At 5:18 AM, Blogger Sue said...

It looks like you finally turned the corner, Ms. P. Always thinking of you.

At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, love... I so want for ALL the pain associated with this unpleasant journey to just be OVER for you.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

*cuddles and kisses from Australia*

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P, I sent you a return email yesterday...but I thought I'd follow up since they are sometimes perceived as spam and disappear...let me know and I'll try to re-send.

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Thalia said...

I'm so glad those numbers are on the way down. Good for you for inviting those pretty boys round to play.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger linda said...

Thinking of you and hoping those numbers come down fast so you can figure out what to do next.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Larisa said...

I cannot believe you are having to go through this torture. I can only hope that the numbers continue to drop rapidly so you can put this in the past. I am shocked that this has happened to someone else.

At 1:43 AM, Blogger beagle said...

I am just so very sorry P.

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Linda said...



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