Stll Nothing To See
But I did pee on a stick and it was negative. At 12dp2dt.
My clinic wants me to do one more on Saturday for a final hurrah. Fuckers.
My famous sense of humour has left the building.
PCOS - check. Infertility - check. IVF - check. 43 years young - check. Sick of babydust - fricking double check. Join a Scottish infertile as she slowly swirls down the plughole. Now with added donor egg flava.
OK...let's be calm and rational... It IS possible for your beta to be too low for the test to see. But my first reaction is a very anfry and robust "Goddamn it." I am so sorry if this is the way it turns out on Saturday. I am hoping for a twist to this saga...
Words are so craptastically inadequate. I'm so sorry. Fuck, fuck, fuck. And shit.
Fuck. See your e. Fuck again.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
I'm sorry :(
I'm sorry too. I'm hoping hard it's just too early.
Well, of course, I'm still hoping.
Take care.
I'm so sorry, P. Still have everything crossed for you.
No, no, no! Shit. I'm so very sorry.
I know it's bad when you admit you've lost your humor, but when I am at a loss for words...well, that's just suckage.
Oh no, that just sucks. I am so sorry. Let's hope it is just a bit early. Take care.
Oh, P, I am so sorry. You have waited so long for this, it is just not fucking fair. Shit.
Oh, I just don't want to believe it. I'm so sorry, P.
Fucking hell.
I'm sorry P.
Shit. I'm so so sorry. That really is awful awful news. Damn. Damn.
Crapitty crap crap crap tap dancing on a hot crap roof.
I'm so sorry P.
Many warm hugs are flying in your direction.
I'm so sorry. This is just the pits.
Dear Pamplemousse, I'm so very sorry. Fuck.
How awful and shitty. I'm so so so sorry.
Damn....just damn. I am sorry.
No! No! No! I'm so incredibly sorry, Pamplemousse. G-d damn it. We all wanted this to be it for you. F*ck.
Do take care of yourself. Sending you a big cyberhug.
Oh fucking cocksucker shitola. I'm so damn sorry.
i''m still hoping it's just too early. Are they going to do a beta or is it just pee sticks? everything is crossed for you. All the best wishes for you. !!!
Who is it?
Denial delivery boy!
What a devastating blow. I'm so sorry.
Secretly, I'm wishing it was still too early. Is that hopelessly naive of me?
Damnit. I'm so sorry. Damnit, damnit.
You know how I feel about this. I'm going to secretly hope the stick on Saturday is different. Partner and I are BOTH bear-hugging from here.
Ditto as above! Damnit Pampelmouse! I hate those POAS. I hope it is wrong and you are a latecommer. Please let it be a BFP!!! Hoping, wishing, cheering for you!
It is not over yet!
I'm not giving up on you yet! Hang tight - it's not over.
They say misery loves company but damn, I hope you won't be joining me. It sucks here under my rock.
Damn, I'm sorry P. So very sorry.
Please oh fertility gods let P. be an urban legend preggers after -HPT hero.
Bloody fucking hell.
I'm so sorry - and I'm hoping your next test result is positive.
Fuck. I am so sorry, Ms. P. Hoping for better news on Saturday.
Oh, no. No. No. No.
I am so sorry.
There are not enough swear words in the universe.
Bloody hell, this is devastating, hope it's wrong.
I'm hoping it was a faulty test, you tested too soon, you drank too much the night before and deluted your hcg concentration - it's got to be something... It's got to be.
I'm so sorry P. I hope it's wrong. You don't deserve this.
I'm sorry.
Damn, I am hoping that it's just too early or you got a shitty POAS. I am still rooting for you girl. ((hugs))
No. I'm hoping it's too early or a dud test.
I am so sorry. I confess to be in the "maybe Saturday's test will turn things around" crowd.
But I'm ready with the virtual alcohol, and I am so sorry.
zvI'm sorry. I hope you get a different result on Saturday.
I can't add much to all that. If I had something useful to say, I would. The only thing I can think of is - prepare wine, and a hot bath and a bit of self love in case Saturday's result is no different.
Big, tearful hugs. Life can be so crap.
Oh shit! I am so so sorry.
I hope you are hanging in there. I'll be checking constantly on Saturday.
Nononononononononono! I'm just so very angry at the unfairness of it all and so very sad for you. I'll be here with everyone else refreshing constantly until their is an update and I'll be thinking about you.
Ack! I was too distraught to even spell "there" right!
Oh, P. I don't even know what to say. It's bloody awful, is what it is.
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