
PCOS - check. Infertility - check. IVF - check. 43 years young - check. Sick of babydust - fricking double check. Join a Scottish infertile as she slowly swirls down the plughole. Now with added donor egg flava.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Another Girl, Another Planet

I am wandering about today, like a fog has descended and covered my brain. Love those hormones, eh?

Thank goodness I am not at work because who knows the havoc I would be wreaking? Yes, I am not at work. Hurray!

I decided for my own knife-edge sanity to take the next 4 weeks off work, Yes, the next 4 weeks. I am looking forward to ignoring the phone, watching crap TV and ordering Mr P about, especially when it comes to housework. I am going to lie there like a pasha and in fact, I may even get a bell to ring. Hee hee.

Being a donor egg recipient means that you follow a medicated FET protocol, nothing more, nothing less. Sniff Synarel twice a day and pop some oral estrogen (Progynova). I started last Tuesday on 1mg twice a day.

My lining is being a bitch or maybe that is just my perception.

I had my first lining check today and it was 5.5mm. Is this really bad after just over a week on the hormones? I have been googling like a woman possessed but all I find are so many different combos of Progynova that my head is spinning.

I have to up my estrogen dosage to 3mg twice a day. Sigh. I was so looking forward to going to that damned clinic and have things go right for once. How naive of me!

My donor has her first stims check tomorrow. I made her up a goodie bag of 3 giant bars of M&S Swiss chocolate, some nice oil for her old stretchmarks and the new Marion Keyes book. It does not really cover my gratitude but it will do for a start. I might even let her babysit on a regular basis, you know, in a few years down the road.

Quick, get out your voodoo dolls and lucky white heather and think great follicle numbers for her tomorrow. Otherwise, you know the kind of whining and shit you will have to put up from me. I am just saying!


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Susie said...

Thinking good thoughts for you here -- the best!

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that's a bad lining measurement at all for only a week on estrogen. My first lining check was on day 14 of estrogen. You've still got plenty of time for your lining to get nice and plush.

I hope your donor has a great follicle report tomorrow. My fingers are most definitely crossed over here.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger DD said...

Your lining is just fine. If it's over 8mm by transfer, that's great and since you're over half way there, stop worrying about it and find something else to worry what the heck are you going to do with yourself after the first week at home watching TV bores you to death.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee!!! I think 5.5 is ok...I mean you still have time. Good luck!

At 8:47 PM, Blogger BSumner said...

4 Weeks!!! Lucky girl!!!

5.5 is fine at this point

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Thalia said...

Lining sounds ok, mine went from 6mm to 11.6 in less than a week, although admittedly not on estrogen, but it sounds from others' experience that you're doing ok.

4 weeks is amazing, how are you going to keep yourself entertained? I'm bored of TV after 4 days!

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Mellie said...

4 weeks! I'm jealous. Do enjoy yourself and take good care of yourself. And don't worry about your lining - still lots of time.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger beagle said...

"I am going to lie there like a pasha"

Great idea!

Sending you lots of good follie vibes for your donor and lush lining vibes for you.

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd never heard about white heather (or its lucky properties). Interesting.

I do wish you luck over the coming days!

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what's the dealio with white heather? Spill!

Ok - Amanda has commented so the lining expert has spoken!

Good luck to donor tomorrow!

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Good for you for taking the four weeks off. And I love the way you plan to spend it!

I'm sending out lots of huge, plentiful follicle vibes your donor's way. Good luck!

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you here!

At 2:35 AM, Blogger Demeter said...

You are getting there. Crossing your fingers for a wonderful transfer...

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey... I'm feeling my blogging persona waning at the moment... but if you're up for some telephone support... lemme know... I'll be on the line in SECONDS!!!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger linda said...

That is awesome that you are taking four weeks off to relax and such. It will do you a wonder of good to not have to stress over work matters.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Chee Chee said...

You are taking a whole month off from work? That is awesome! You'll have to catch up on all of that daytime tv that the rest of us are missing.

I'm sending big follie vibes to your donor. Good luck!

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best of luck to you. Not able to help you much with info as I am googling frantically. First overseas trip is coming up, first time on Progynova. The transfer is scheduled to take place 6/9, and I am starting Progynova on 26/8 (20MG!!!) Yes I have confirmed witht the Doctor overseas, it seems a lot. I am searching for info on it, and cycle synchronisation etc in general. I feel a bit of a headache and had very bad dreams last night after 2mg!! I cant imagine being on 10 tablets, but maybe I imagined the side effects?


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