
PCOS - check. Infertility - check. IVF - check. 43 years young - check. Sick of babydust - fricking double check. Join a Scottish infertile as she slowly swirls down the plughole. Now with added donor egg flava.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ill Met By Sunlight

Still here, trying to whittle centimetres from my arse. It is a dirty job but someone has to do it. 8.5 lbs down now in total.

The BCPs are making me feel weird and a complete superbitch so don't make me angry. You won't like me when I am angry.

Despite the hormonal ups and downs, I have been doing a sterling impression of normality and I have even been in a whirl of socialising at home (with wine!!!) and decorating and shopping and I keep thinking to myself "I really need a holiday!".

Aye right, where do you think you are going 4 weeks on Monday?? I got an e-mail from one of my favourite bloggers this week telling me she was in NYC on holiday and off I went in a reverie, wishing I was there and mumping to myself that I cannot go. At times I completely forget I am going to Capetown.

You would think the large sums of money would remind me. The final payment to the donor agency was made this week. £1851 in British money or $3500. No going back now. My savings account does not know what has hit it this week. I am also making the final payment today for the kitchen out of it too.

Ach, so what? Look at how much I paid for an ectopic pregnancy last time. Pity the only thing growing round here is my hair, and not a 17 week pregnancy bump. Maybe I can post a picture of my arse.


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet your arse is lovely. Still, I hope this upcoming trip gets you the bump.

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me, NYC is not where you want to be right now. It is hot as hell and smells like piss. Seriously. Cape Town will be far more thrilling anyway. Sounds like the butt whittling is going well-- congrats!!

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, we don't like you when you're not angry, so - whoops - did I type that out loud?

Let's see the ass lady marmalade, you svelte little looker you.

Funny though, I don't remember emailing you that I'd be in NYC. 4 weeks - wahoo!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Lut C. said...

Good going on the weight loss!

What's this about socialising and having fun? Becoming a happy childfree person 4 weeks before going to Capetown, do you think that's a good idea?

Come to think of it, that's an excellent idea. I can see the headline now, "I went to Capetown and came back with an oops baby".

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Krista said...

You crack me up. But you are right, we spend our money on all kinds of things without even thinking about it (things we neither need nor really want) but for some reason we freak out when it comes to the cost of fertiltiy treatment. Perhaps because we are spending it in such large chunks at a time or perhaps because it is yet another reminder that it is easier for other people. But I'm with you, if I've got the money I'm going to spend it on what I really want. Good luck Pamplemousse, I really hope this trip to Cape Town results in more growing than your hair!

At 11:41 PM, Blogger beagle said...

The cost of a failed cycle is more than I can wrap my head around. It makes me want to cry.

If it makes you feel any better my 'arse' doesn't seem to realize that it is a pg bump I want not a butt bump! And my hair is not growing (which I would like), so you have one up on me!

I hope this cycle has a happy outcome. Capetown will make a really cool "how you were concieved" story.

At 1:41 AM, Blogger Jess said...

I hope things work out for you.

You're flipping hilarious, though...too bad you're feeling bitchy. But maybe that is what makes you funny?

It works for me.

Hope this is IT for you!

At 4:00 AM, Blogger Amyesq said...

I'll tread lightly, I promise! And hopefully there will still be some wine left.

Way to go on the 8.5 lbs! And true about NYC. I'll bet she reports back to us that is it quite the cesspool. As much as I love it, August is the worst month to visit.

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure a pic of your arse would look fabulous! I think I found your 8.5lbs....

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

Hey - I wouldn't mind an arse picture! A girls gotta have something nice to look at *wink* Can't believe you've lost nearly 9 pounds - that's amazingly good. It's all those walks on the windy moors (or wherever it is you walk in Scotland). Hope you're having fun with that wine - it's lubricates your fallopians tubes don't you know?

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Thalia said...

You are the holiday queen and I bow before you. Agree that cape town is a much better place to be than NYC, and hopefully a lot more productive, too....

At 1:53 PM, Blogger moo said...

Hi there, had to laugh as usual at your post. Picture of your a. LOL . I'm leaving in 3 days for CT and it seems surreal. It's like a wedding's gotten here whether you are ready with the favors or not (mine).

See you mousse.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Nico said...

Nice job on the poundage dropping! I hope that the trip to Cape Town, and its results, are everything that you've dreamed of.


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